Our Cars

1931 Pickup
Bart Bartholomew
Bart Bartholomew
1931 Deluxe Roadster Mark & Becky Simons
1929 Special Coupe
Dick Brennan
Dick Brennan

1931 Coupe
Ken Hutchinson
Ken Hutchinson

1928 Roadster
Barry and Louise Beckley
Barry and Louise Beckley

1930 Cabriolet
Joe Morgan
Joe Morgan

1931 Victoria
Ralph Neely
Ralph Neely

1930 Coupe
William Power
William Power

1932 Model B Truck
Steve and Lorliene Stix
Steve and Lorliene Stix

1928 Sedan
Larry and Bonnie Ryan
Larry and Bonnie Ryan

1930 Tudor Sedan
LeRoy and Pam Kehret
LeRoy and Pam Kehret

Precious Metal
Jerry and Marilyn Freese
Jerry and Marilyn Freese

1930 Pickup
Bob Bitters
Bob Bitters
1929 Town Sedan
Vicky Bartlett
Vicky Bartlett

1930 Tudor Sedan
Luke and Margie Sayer
Luke and Margie Sayer

1930 Fordor Deluxe
Charlie and Joan Sento
Charlie and Joan Sento

1931 Town Sedan
Chuck and Imelda Mayhew
Chuck and Imelda Mayhew

1928 Tudor Sedan
J.C. Stephenson
J.C. Stephenson

1929 Roadster Pickup
Jim and Dianne Runyon
Jim and Dianne Runyon

1929 Fordor Blindback
LeRoy & Pam Kehret
LeRoy & Pam Kehret

1930 Tudor Sedan
Luke & Margie Sayer
Luke & Margie Sayer

Dennis & Maddie Stephens

Frank Azucena
1931 Slant Window Fordor

Norman Saw 1931 Roadster

1931 Ford
Bill & Sherrell Paige
Bill & Sherrell Paige

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