
Greetings and welcome to our site. We hope that you and yours are staying safe and healthy!

While it is a long road to get there, Model A Day (September 20-21st, 2024) will be celebrated at the Model A Ford Museum on the Gilmore Car Museum campus in Hickory Corners, Michigan. Model A Days are held here on the third Saturday in September. According to Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum, The Model A Ford Club of America has changed the date of the International Model A Day to September 13! Regardless of when that actual date is, September is a great day to get your car out for a drive.

In August, the Distinguished Speaker was Cooper Blair, who led an engaging and informative discussion on cataracts, glaucoma, and astigmatism. Be sure to attend the September meeting, where the Distinguished Speaker will be Randy Gross, who will present on rebuilding brakes and steering boxes.

Explore our "Newsletter" section and discover: the latest happenings of the current month, enlightening news from the President, a recap of the events from the previous month through the monthly minutes, scheduled tours for the month ahead, information on the locations where the Red Hot Sparks will gather, speakers who are distinguished guests, individuals commemorating a Birthday or Anniversary, insightful thoughts on Editorial topics from the Editor, and information regarding our advertisers.

Please visit our Advertisers page and patronize those in the community that help support our club.
If you use a Google Calendar, please consider merging the Diamond Tread Calendar in with your own. This will allow you to view our upcoming events at a glance. This calendar is also posted on the Diamond Tread website’s Events/Dates page.

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." — Henry Ford